Company statement on recruitment practices
It has been brought to our attention that certain individual(s) might have claimed to work for Oyu Tolgoi to recruit people into the project and charge potential candidates a fee for placement with our company.
We would like to confirm that our Company does not employ or work with any mediating individuals to recruit our future workforce. In case you are approached by individual(s) who claim that they can help you to get a job with Oyu Tolgoi LLC for a certain fee or payment please do not trust them.
Oyu Tolgoi LLC ensures fair and transparent recruitment practices where all applicants are provided with equal opportunities.
All vacancies with Oyu Tolgoi LLC are publicly advertised through daily newspapers and websites on a timely basis. The recruitment process includes initial screening of applications and selection of candidates for interviews; the interview process itself consists of two rounds; careful reference checks are made on each selected candidate. The selection committee has no less than 3 members; thus the decision on recruitment is made by a committee and never by one individual.
There is no fee or payment involved when you apply for a job with Oyu Tolgoi LLC.
Human Resources Department
Oyu Tolgoi LLC
September 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
ajlin zar
Ажилтан сонгон шалгаруулах үйл ажиллагааны тухай компанийн албан ёсны мэдэгдэл
Манай компанид ажилд горилогчдыг Оюу Толгой ХХК-д ажилд оруулж өгнө гэсэн нэрийдлээр тодорхой иргэд, хувь хүмүүс мөнгөн төлбөр нэхсэн тохиолдлууд гарсан байж болзошгүй талаарх мэдээлэл бидэнд ирсэн тул бид дараах мэдэгдлийг хүргүүлж байна.
Манай компани ирээдүйн ажиллах боловсон хүчээ ажилд авахдаа ямар нэгэн зуучлагч хувь хүмүүстэй хамтарч ажилладаггүй бөгөөд тэднээр дамжуулан ажилд авдаггүй болно. Хэрэв танд Оюу Толгой ХХК-д ажилд ороход тань тусална гэж мөнгө, төлбөр нэхэмжлэх хувь хүмүүс хандвал тэдэнд итгэхгүй байхыг анхааруулж байна.
Оюу Толгой ХХК нь ажилд орох хүсэлт гаргасан иргэн бүрд адил, тэгш боломж олгон ажилтан сонгон шалгаруулах үйл ажиллагааг шударга, ил тод явуулдаг болно.
Мөн Оюу Толгой ХХК нь нээлттэй байгаа ажлын байруудыг цаг тухайд нь өдөр тутмын сонингууд болон холбогдох вэбсайтуудаар олон нийтэд нээлттэй зарладаг. Ажилтан сонгон шалгаруулах үйл явцад хүлээн авсан өргөдлүүдийг нягталж шалгах, сонгогдсон нэр дэвшигчидтэй 2 шатны ярилцлага хийх, мөн дараагийн шалгаруулалтад тэнцсэн нэр дэвшигчдийн талаар өмнөх ажил олгогчдоос нь тодорхойлолт авах зэрэг багтдаг. Сонгон шалгаруулах комисс нь 3-аас доошгүй гишүүдээс бүрдэх тул ажилтан сонгон шалгаруулах эцсийн шийдвэрийг ганц хүн дангаар бус комисс гаргадаг болно.
Оюу Толгой ХХК-д ажилд орох өргөдөл гаргахад ямар нэгэн төлбөр, хураамж байхгүй болно.
Оюу Толгой ХХК-ийн Хүний Нөөцийн хэлтэс
2010 оны 9 дүгээр сар
Манай компанид ажилд горилогчдыг Оюу Толгой ХХК-д ажилд оруулж өгнө гэсэн нэрийдлээр тодорхой иргэд, хувь хүмүүс мөнгөн төлбөр нэхсэн тохиолдлууд гарсан байж болзошгүй талаарх мэдээлэл бидэнд ирсэн тул бид дараах мэдэгдлийг хүргүүлж байна.
Манай компани ирээдүйн ажиллах боловсон хүчээ ажилд авахдаа ямар нэгэн зуучлагч хувь хүмүүстэй хамтарч ажилладаггүй бөгөөд тэднээр дамжуулан ажилд авдаггүй болно. Хэрэв танд Оюу Толгой ХХК-д ажилд ороход тань тусална гэж мөнгө, төлбөр нэхэмжлэх хувь хүмүүс хандвал тэдэнд итгэхгүй байхыг анхааруулж байна.
Оюу Толгой ХХК нь ажилд орох хүсэлт гаргасан иргэн бүрд адил, тэгш боломж олгон ажилтан сонгон шалгаруулах үйл ажиллагааг шударга, ил тод явуулдаг болно.
Мөн Оюу Толгой ХХК нь нээлттэй байгаа ажлын байруудыг цаг тухайд нь өдөр тутмын сонингууд болон холбогдох вэбсайтуудаар олон нийтэд нээлттэй зарладаг. Ажилтан сонгон шалгаруулах үйл явцад хүлээн авсан өргөдлүүдийг нягталж шалгах, сонгогдсон нэр дэвшигчидтэй 2 шатны ярилцлага хийх, мөн дараагийн шалгаруулалтад тэнцсэн нэр дэвшигчдийн талаар өмнөх ажил олгогчдоос нь тодорхойлолт авах зэрэг багтдаг. Сонгон шалгаруулах комисс нь 3-аас доошгүй гишүүдээс бүрдэх тул ажилтан сонгон шалгаруулах эцсийн шийдвэрийг ганц хүн дангаар бус комисс гаргадаг болно.
Оюу Толгой ХХК-д ажилд орох өргөдөл гаргахад ямар нэгэн төлбөр, хураамж байхгүй болно.
Оюу Толгой ХХК-ийн Хүний Нөөцийн хэлтэс
2010 оны 9 дүгээр сар
business letter
3519 Front Street
Mount Celebres, CA 65286
11, 2010
Narangaraw Myangan
Accounts Payable
The Cooking Store
765 Berliner Plaza
Industrial Point, CA 68534
Dear Bayarmaa
It has come to my attention that your company, The Cooking Store has been late with paying their invoices for the past three months.
In order to encourage our customers to pay for their invoices before the due date, we have implemented a discount model where we'll give you 2% off your invoice if you pay us within 10 days of receiving the invoice.
I hope that everything is going well for you and your company. You are one of our biggest customers, and we appreciate your business. If you have any questions, you can feel free to contact me at (555) 555-5555.
Mount Celebres, CA 65286
11, 2010
Narangaraw Myangan
Accounts Payable
The Cooking Store
765 Berliner Plaza
Industrial Point, CA 68534
Dear Bayarmaa
It has come to my attention that your company, The Cooking Store has been late with paying their invoices for the past three months.
In order to encourage our customers to pay for their invoices before the due date, we have implemented a discount model where we'll give you 2% off your invoice if you pay us within 10 days of receiving the invoice.
I hope that everything is going well for you and your company. You are one of our biggest customers, and we appreciate your business. If you have any questions, you can feel free to contact me at (555) 555-5555.
87 Delaware Road
Hatfield, CA
Dear Mr,
I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union. As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume and three references.
The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include:
• I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications
• I strive for continued excellence
• I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers
With a BS degree in Computer Programming, I have a full understanding of the full life cycle of a software development project. I also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed.
Please see my resume for additional information on my experience.
I can be reached anytime via email at or my cell phone, 99234599
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this employment opportunity.
Narangaraw Myangan
Hatfield, CA
Dear Mr,
I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union. As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume and three references.
The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include:
• I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications
• I strive for continued excellence
• I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers
With a BS degree in Computer Programming, I have a full understanding of the full life cycle of a software development project. I also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed.
Please see my resume for additional information on my experience.
I can be reached anytime via email at or my cell phone, 99234599
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this employment opportunity.
Narangaraw Myangan
cover letter
Your Street Address
City, State Zip Code
Telephone Number
Email Address
Month, Day, Year
Mr./Ms./Dr. FirstName LastName
Name of Organization
Street or P. O. Box Address
City, State Zip Code
Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. LastName:
Opening paragraph: State why you are writing; how you learned of the organization or position, and basic information about yourself.
2nd paragraph: Tell why you are interested in the employer or type of work the employer does (Simply stating that you are interested does not tell why, and can sound like a form letter). Demonstrate that you know enough about the employer or position to relate your background to the employer or position. Mention specific qualifications which make you a good fit for the employer’s needs. This is an opportunity to explain in more detail relevant items in your resume. Refer to the fact that your resume is enclosed. Mention other enclosures if such are required to apply for a position.
3rd paragraph: Indicate that you would like the opportunity to interview for a position or to talk with the employer to learn more about their opportunities or hiring plans. State what you will do to follow up, such as telephone the employer within two weeks. If you will be in the employer’s location and could offer to schedule a visit, indicate when. State that you would be glad to provide the employer with any additional information needed. Thank the employer for her/his consideration.
(Your handwritten signature)
Your name typed
City, State Zip Code
Telephone Number
Email Address
Month, Day, Year
Mr./Ms./Dr. FirstName LastName
Name of Organization
Street or P. O. Box Address
City, State Zip Code
Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. LastName:
Opening paragraph: State why you are writing; how you learned of the organization or position, and basic information about yourself.
2nd paragraph: Tell why you are interested in the employer or type of work the employer does (Simply stating that you are interested does not tell why, and can sound like a form letter). Demonstrate that you know enough about the employer or position to relate your background to the employer or position. Mention specific qualifications which make you a good fit for the employer’s needs. This is an opportunity to explain in more detail relevant items in your resume. Refer to the fact that your resume is enclosed. Mention other enclosures if such are required to apply for a position.
3rd paragraph: Indicate that you would like the opportunity to interview for a position or to talk with the employer to learn more about their opportunities or hiring plans. State what you will do to follow up, such as telephone the employer within two weeks. If you will be in the employer’s location and could offer to schedule a visit, indicate when. State that you would be glad to provide the employer with any additional information needed. Thank the employer for her/his consideration.
(Your handwritten signature)
Your name typed
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